Seminars UMIB 2023 – Epigenetic regulation of epilepsy-related signallingpathways and its impact on epileptogenesis
Seminars UMIB 2023 - Epigenetic regulation of epilepsy-related signallingpathways and its impact on epileptogenesis
Epigenetic regulation of epilepsy-related signalling pathways and its impact on epileptogenesis

No próximo dia 31 de maio haverá Seminário Científico da UMIB, com apresentação do trabalho do estudante de doutoramento Ricardo Martins Ferreira, intitulado: “Epigenetic regulation of epilepsy-related signalling pathways and its impact on epileptogenesis”.

Seminars UMIB 2023 - Epigenetic regulation of epilepsy-related signallingpathways and its impact on epileptogenesis

O seminário realizar-se-á pelas 13h15, presencialmente no Anfiteatro 3 do ICBAS, e com transmissão online via Zoom (link Zoom será enviado antecipadamente).

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