PAMEDINTERNA – Programa Porto’s Autoimmune Meeting Medinterna 2022
PAMEDINTERNA - Programa Porto’s Autoimmune Meeting Medinterna 2022
Programa Porto’s Autoimmune Meeting Medinterna 2022

Desde 2017 no Porto decorre uma das maiores reuniões do País sobre doenças autoimunes e outras doenças do sistema imune: PAMedinterna, organizado pela UIC – Unidade de Imunologia Clínica do CHUP e a consulta de autoimunes do CHUSJ. 

A reunião de 2022 decorrerá durante três dias, 24, 25 e 26 de novembro de 2022, no ICBAS. 

O tema deste ano centrar-se-á em casos clínicos das diversas doenças do sistema imune e alguns aspetos práticos da autoimunidade. 

PAMEDINTERNA - Programa Porto’s Autoimmune Meeting Medinterna 2022

24th November 2022

08h15 – Secretariat desk opening
09h00 – Autoimmune autonomic nervous system explains many clinical syndromes
09h45 – When and how to suspect a disease of the immune system?
10h45 – Opening Ceremony
11h00 – Coffee-break
11h30 – Polyautoimmunity In The Clinical Practice
12h30 – Lunch
13h30 – A “systemic” rheumatoid arthritis patient
14h30 – Behçet’S Disease Diagnosis. Femoral Vein Wall Thickness Measurement:
15h15 – A Spondiloarthropathy And Behçet Disease With A Demyelinizant Disease
16h15 – End

25th November 2022

08h30 – Secretariat desk opening
08h30 – POSTERS
09h00 – A Difficult Patient With Vasculitis
10h15 – Humoral Response To Interferons
10h45 – Coffee-Break
11h15 – A really difficult lupus patient
13h00– Lunch

14h30 – Immune System Diseases Clinical And Laboratory Vignettes
15h30 – Pulmonary Intersticial Disease and Autoimmunity
16h45 – Coffee-break
17h00 – The lab dialog with the clinicians
17h30 – Digestive System Autoimmune Diseases
18h30 – End
20h00 – Congress Dinner

26th November 2022
08h30 – Secretariat desk opening
09h00 – The dialog with the Lab
09h30 – Metabolomic Analysis In The Behçet´S Disease Physiopathology
10h00 – Diagnostic Odyssey
10h30 – Cardiovascular Risk In Autoimmunity
11h00 – Coffee-break
11h30 – Dance on Autoimmunity
12h30 – Lunch
14h00 – Therapy In Non-Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis.
14h30 – Disease modification in SLE
16h00 – Closure

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