Bernardete Pessoa


Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Santo António (CHUdSA)

Hospital Santo António (HSA)

Bernardete Pessoa

Graduate in Medicine at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar in Porto, Portugal (1993-1999).
Member of the Portuguese Medical Association since 1999.
Residency in Ophthalmology in the Ophthalmology Department of Hospital de Santo António – Centro Hospitalar e Universitário do Porto (HSA-CHUP), Portugal, from 2002-2006.

Retina Specialist and Vitreoretinal Surgeon at CHUP (since 2006), Consultant of Ophthalmology at the Department of Ophthalmology of CHUP (since 2015), Responsible for Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Program at CHUP (since 2012). Head of Diabetes Ocular Department at CHUP (since 2019).

Postdoctoral Researcher in Medical Sciences in Unit for Multidisciplinary Research in Biomedicine – Institute for the Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar – University of Porto (UMIB ICBAS – UP), 2017-2021, with teaching collaboration in Ophthalmology practical classes at CHUP, since 2017.


Areas of Research: diabetic retinopathy, vitreoretinal surgery, retina imaging (Ocular Coherence Tomography- OCT), age-related macular degeneration (AMD), macular edema, retinal vascular occlusive diseases, choroidal neovascularization, high myopia retina-related disorders, ocular trauma, ocular paramyloidosis.

Principal investigator/co-investigator in 15 clinical trials in areas as diabetic macular edema, diabetic retinopathy, AMD, paramyloidosis, vitreoretinal surgery, refractive surgery (three as principal investigator).

Member of The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Vitreoretinal European Society (EVRS), European Society of Retinal Specialists (EURETINA), Group of Retinal Studies (GER) and Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology (SPO).




a) in indexed journals: 17 as first author, 27 as co-author (11 as second and last author and four as co-author in multicentric publications);

b) in 19 national journals.

Participation in 21 chapters (15 as first author) of ophthalmology books

Reviewer in several journals.

Invited speaker in near a hundred National and International Congress/ Meetings/ Seminars/Courses.

Oral and Poster Comunications, mostly focusing on the fields of medical and surgical retinal as first author, in more than a hundred national or international Congresses or Meetings.

Supervisor of posgraduate Training Complementary Internship, guiding four residents, to date.



Main Courses Participation:

1) 5th Course “European Vitreoretinal Training School”, organized by the European Society of Vitreous-retina, which ran from 1st to 12th of May 2006 at the University Eye Clinic in Bremen, Germany.
2) Good Clinical Practice Course at 22-10-2018 given by Health training Center
3) “Desenvolvimento Pessoal E Alta Performance – Coaching Na Liderança”, a 20 hours course organized by the Investigation and Education Department of CHUP, from 4 to 11th november 2019, at CHUP-Porto.
4) “Gestão Hospitalar e Alto Rendimento”, an 8 hours course, at 9th november 2019, in Lisbon

Received the Prize “Manuel de Lemos”, established by the Ophthalmology Department of HSA-CHUP at the XXIX Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology, in 2005, with the work “Ophthalmology Screening Children – Pilot Study”

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