Maria João Andrade


Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Santo António (CHUdSA)

Hospital Santo António (HSA)

Maria João Andrade

Maria João Andrade is a medical specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, being a Senior graduated assistant at Departamento de Ortofisiatria, Serviço de Medicina Física e Reabilitação / Fisiatria, Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Porto. She has clinical subspecializations in spinal cord injury, neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction and pelvic chronic pain. She actively participates in the Hospital reference center on Familial polyneuropathy. She has a PhD in medical sciences and she is an invited Associated Professor at ICBAS-School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University of Porto.

Medical Specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Hospital Senior graduated assistant (CHUP)
Invited Associated Professor (ICBAS)
Departamento de Ortofisiatria
Serviço de Medicina Física e Reabilitação / Fisiatria
Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Porto (CHUP)
Largo do Professor Abel Salazar
4099-001 Porto, Portugal

  • Medical degree: ICBAS-School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University of Porto-1983
  • Medical Specialization in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R), Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Porto -1991
  • PhD degree  in medical Sciences: “Alterações Vesico-esfincterianas na Polineuropatia, Amiloidotica Familiar”, March 2002, ICBAS-School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University of Porto-Invited Associate Professor, ICBAS-School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University of Porto since 2007
  • Invited Professor in several Nurse Schools – rehabilitation specialization courses: Escola Superior de Saúde do Vale do Sousa (2006/2007), Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Viana do Castelo (2007/208), Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra since 2014
  • Master em Ecografia Musculoesquelética e Intervencionismo Ecoguiado. Instituto de Posgrado, Fundacion San Pablo de Andalucia e a Sociedad Andaluza de Medicina Fisica y Rehabilitación. October 2019 to September 2020.
  • Head of inpatient unit of the PM&R Service since 1992 – Hospital de Santo António CHUPorto
  • Head of the Spinal Cord Unit of the PM&R Service since 1992 – Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Porto
  • Founder of the Urodynamic Lab. PM&R Service in 1992
  • Portuguese partner of the European Network – International spinal cord society, since  1999
  • Head of PM&R Service: April 2004 – September 2005 – Hospital de Santo António CHUPorto
  • Head of Service since 2002 – Hospital de Santo António CHUPorto
  • First President of the Spinal Cord Injury Section of the Portuguese Society of Physical Rehabilitation Medicine: March 2009- March 2017
  • Member of the scientific committee of the Associação Portuguesa de Neuro-urologia e de Uro-Ginecologia, 2011-2012
  • Board member of the Associação Portuguesa de Neuro-urologia e de Uro-Ginecologia, 2013-2017
  • Member of the scientific comittee of the Associação Portuguesa de Neuro-urologia e de Uro-Ginecologia since 2017
  • Interlocutor of the PMR College of the National Trauma Commission, February 2018-Member of the Section for Study and Intervention in Rehabilitation of Spasticity of the Portuguese Society of Physical Rehabilitation Medicine: since 2010.
  • Mayo Clinic- Rochester, E.U.A.(1991): Neuroreabilitação, bexigas neurogénicas / estudos urodinâmicos.
  • Hospital Nacional de Paraplégicos- Toledo, Espanha (1991): Traumatizados vertebro-medulares (T.V.M.); estudos urodinâmicos, reeducação sexual e reprodução assistida.
  • National Reabilitation Hospital- Washington, E.U.A. (1994): Programa de reprodução assistida nos T.V.M./ electroejaculação.
  • Fundació Institut Guttmann – Barcelona, Espanha (1997): Traumatizados vertebro-medulares; bexigas neurogénicas e estudos urodinámicos.

Courses Organizations-11

Organizations symposiums and Congresses-8

Invited lectures-74 nationals and 14 internationals

Research work

  • Alterações vesico-esfincterianas na polineuropatia amiloidótica familiar – PhD thesis.
  • An International, prospective cohort to document the effectiveness of one bont-A injections cycle based on attainment of individual person-centred goals in adult subjects suffering from upper limb spasticity following stroke – ULIS- 2. Observational study, 2009-2010.
  • An International, Cross- Sectional, non-Intervention Survey to Define Profiles pf Adult Patient Suffering From Upper Limb Spasticity and Requiring Botulinum Toxin A Injections. Research project, 2008.
  • A Multicentre, randomised, , Controlled Trial to Evaluate  the Efficacy and Cost-effectiveness of Silver Alloy- Coated urinary  Catheters  versus conventional catheters in Spinal Cord Injured Patients. Clinical trial, 2015-2016.
  • International survey, Portuguese branch: People with spinal cord Injury in Portugal. Research project, 2017.


Award for the best best publication with the work: Padrão Heterodoxo das Alterações Cardíacas, Hemodinâmicas, Endócrinas e Renais em Doente Tetraplégico Incompleto, Prémio Arquivos de Fisiatria 1999.

Scientific lecture award, Birth after Electroejaculation Coupled to Intracytoplasmatic Sperm Injection, ARTA (Assisted Reproduction/ Thechnology /Andrology) Twin Conference. Jena, Germany, 2000.

Award for the best best publication with the work: Electroejaculação Associada a Injecção Intra-Citoplasmática de Esperma em Lesionados Medulares. Arquivos de Fisiatria, 2001.

National Award for Scientific Research, by José de Mello Saúde – Maria Amélia de Mello Award for Health Science – 2002 with the work Alterações vesico-esfincterianas na polineuropatia amiloidótica familiar.

Award for the best poster presentation with the work: Plexopatia lombossagrada radiógena: um caso de restabelecimento da marcha, XII Congresso Internacional Medicina Física e de Reabilitação Hospital S. João. Porto, 2015.

Scientific societies

  • Member of the Sociedade Portuguesa de Medicina Física e de Reabilitação since 1987
  • Member of the International Spinal Cord Society since 1995
  • Member of the International Continence Society since 2002
  • Member of the European Physical Medical and Rehabilitation Society since 2008

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